Thursday, April 21, 2011

For and against food irradiation

Requiring food all to be irradiated
Permitting but not requiring
Banning food irradiation
It can harm people’s health  (con)
We have choice if we want irradiated food or not irradiated food (pro)
It is good because you don’t get harm ( pro)
That it can stay fresh longer time(pro)
Long-term we can compare the effects of irradiated food and not irradiated food (pro)
The food is not fresh it can rot easily (con)
We don’t have choice if we want irradiated or not we can only have irradiated(con)
It kills nutrients (con)
It doesn’t kill bad bacteria (con)
If we irradiated there will be more control (pro)
consumers have not been educated to compensate for irradiation-induced losses elsewhere in their diets(con)

It kills bad cells (pro)
Irradiation can kill insects and pests infesting foods such as grains and flours without leaving chemical residues(pro)

it kills nutrients (con)
You may get affect it or not (pro and con)

People get affected by irradiated food (con)

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