Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Current event #4

The tell-tale bacteria
How can you tell is have bacteria in your body? If you wash your hands 500 times it doesn't matter because microbes (small organisms) are still in there (in your body). But not all of them injure you. Some of them are beneficial for you. Bacteria help a lot in police investigation. They can help catch robbers. It can help identify a person. Every person has different microbes and different fingerprints.

In my opinion this wasn't so interesting, but I liked the way how they related the article to the method of how police find people with fingerprints. I didn't like that the article was talking about bacteria because I don't like bacteria, but it was a very useful article. 

Author: Unknown
Source: http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20100407/Note2.asp
Date: April 7, 2010
Due date: October 27, 2010


  1. Your article was great because you defined the terms that some people might not know in your article. I think that you could have made it better by elongating it. However, you explained all of your facts in a good way.

  2. I liked how you summarized it in just a short way. That article said bacteria is on your hands even if you wash them 100000000000 times. However, I advise you to spell check and go through your current events a couple of times to see your mistakes. (Not that you have many) And another thing, you could have talked more about how this and how that, not just explaining fact to fact. And connections to your real life would be good too!
    Your current event was very well, keep it up and use my advice! :)
