Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Current event #7

New Species of Carnivorous Plant Discovered in Cambodia
A new species of carnivorous plant was discovered by the Association Fauna and Flora International (FFI). The plant called Nepenthes holdenii, found in Cambodia’s mountains, has some functions. The first function is that it has red and green large pitchers. The function of that part of the plant is to capture and digest insects that the plant eats. The pitchers of this plant can reach until 30cm long which allows the plant to gain more nutrients. It has even another function: that is a tube that allows surviving cold and fire in extended periods of time. The association that found it made a lot of research on that specific carnivorous plant.
In my opinion this article was easy and interesting to read because it was really nice finding out of a new species of a plant. This plant has a lot of functions. One of the functions are the pitchers that can be 30 cm long but it also connects to the unit that we studied about living things and that they are a part of our ecosystem. I find it very useful because it has a lot of information on how the plant is and describes its functions and what it does.

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